How did you die?

Cardiac arrest survivors saved by CPR testimonials

As a filmmaker, one of the most impacting projects I’ve ever worked in Europe is the “How did you die?” video project for a CPR awareness campaign in North Wales. This project features two cardiac arrest survivors who were brought back to life thanks to CPR. The goal of the campaign is to increase awareness and encourage more people to learn CPR, as it can truly save lives.

During the filming process, I had the chance to talk with the survivors and hear their emotional stories about the moment they collapsed and how CPR was the only thing that saved their lives. I truly believe that this video can make a difference in people’s lives. The campaign has already received a lot of attention and positive feedback, and I’m proud to have been a part of it.

As someone who loves using filmmaking as a tool to spread awareness and make a positive impact on the world, this project was particularly meaningful to me. I hope that this video can encourage more people to learn CPR and become empowered to save lives in their communities.